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A Kids' Guide to Being Healthy
Research shows that diet and exercise patterns are established early in life and key risk factors to lifelong wellness include poor dietary habits, limited physical activity, and insecurity about hygiene and personal health.
Start Smart:Health books build a foundation for children to think, choose, and act in responsible ways for a lifetime.
Book features: Charts/Graphs/Diagrams, colorful photographs and illustrations, Glossary, captions and sidebars, Table of contents, Further Reading, Index
Dewey: 610 Reading Level; Grade 2 Interest Level: Grades 1-3 Ages 6-9
What Reviewers Say...
School Library Journal This series encourages kids to take control of their eating, exercise, germs, and hygiene—and does so with a rare and refreshing burst of humor. Attractively designed and featuring diverse children, each book includes "Try This," "Did You Know?" and "Just Joking!" sidebars that will pique students' interest. Self-assessment quizzes at the end make this series a home run.
SLJ Series Made Simple "crammed with rich information"